Friday, October 22, 2010

Concept maps

As part of my course I had to create an overview of this week's topics as a concept map. We were given two weblinks by the course co-ordinator Text2mindmap ( and Both sites allow you to input your data and then manipulate the concept map until it suits you preferred appearance. Both tools create a similar result, the difference is in the method of creating the concept map. I prefer tp use Text2mindmap as I could just type the data into a table then hit 'convert to mindmap'. on the other hand requires you to create each textbox as you go before you can enter the data.

This concept map was created using Text2mindmap. The colour of the boxes and the appearance of the text, and the overall look of the concept map can be altered at any time during creation.

This concept map was created using  The colour of the boxes and the appearance of the text, and the overall look of the concept map can be altered at any time during creation.

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